Friday, February 9, 2007

Mental health

No one that I know goes into teaching for the money. Most people are passionate about education, learning, knowledge, and children. I for one am there for the children. I want to make a difference in their lives by creating a warm, safe and positive school environment. I want all of my students to make more than adequate yearly progress at a rate that makes sense developmentally. I want them to learn appropriate ways of dealing with frustration and managing conflict.

I have big dreams and a lot of work to do.

I have seven students on IEPS. of those, at least two need a one on one aid that we don't have. as you can imagine, this creates many safety concerns. the principal claims that it is out of his control.
In graduate school i wish I had focused more on behaviors. There are so many extreme behaviors in my class that it is at times both overwhelming to me, other students and staff. I am the teacher, and I am expected to have all of the answers. In case anyone was wondering, I don't have all the answers, nor do I pretend to.

I have started reading the explosive child. The author makes a point that we can change our perceptions of these children and that we, as competent adults can change how we respond to these challenging, explosive behaviors. The author does not have all of the answers either, just an alternate way of looking at these kinds of behaviors. I am hoping to use this space to write about salient points and ideas that I come across as I continue to read it.

i am also hoping to use this space to talk about the stresses that I encounter in an average days work. some people have said "oh you teach little kids, that must be so fun. You get to play all day". yes it is fun at times and no we don't get to play all day. it also challenging. by writing down some of my thoughts on teaching in an urban public school, I am hoping to keep my mental health in order and lessen the burden from my loved ones, to whom I rant vent and cry to.

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