Tuesday, December 18, 2007

great quotes

Here are some random quotes from kids in my class
Student : " Mrs. M, all teachers start with the letter M" ( mr, mrs, ms...)

Student: Mrs M. My mom says you know Santas phone number. My mom says too that teachers are so important, that santa doesnt neeeeed to call, Santa can read teachers minds. If teachers are thinking that I am not doing a good job, Santa can see into your mind"(said upon arriving the next day at school after I called home regarding maladaptive behavior)

Writing Prompt: " If I could give my family one present, I would give them _______"
Student Response: " A clean house because ours is always messy"

What DO experienced teachers do when....

The following is an excerpt from my day today. This really happened, I dont have the energy to make this up.

One of my students is rsting quietly on his mat. This right here is significant because we have just recently worked out a behavior management plan that addresses hiss inappropriate behavior during this time. So anyway, he is doing a good job with a calm and quiet body when all of a sudden, he stands up and begins screaming and flapping his hands wildly. When I approqach, I ask him what is wrong. He screams that his leg fell off. He screams this repeatedly and his speech was clear as day. I ask if his leg hurts, thinking maybe it fell asleep from being in one position. He tells me again that no it doesnt hurt because its not there.

I consider this for a moment. He is standing on both feet. he just told me his leg fell off. I calmly point out that I can see both of his legs and ask him to look at his legs. He begins to yell louder at this point that no it did indeed fall off. Remembering that sometimes this child needs to receive information through other senses, I touch his legs applying firm yet gentle pressure on his thighs, telling him I can feel his legs.

At this point, he then tells me that is leg is "over there". I look in the direction he is pointing to and see that he is pointing at the sandbox. I calmly pretend to look for a leg and reassure him that his leg is still attached to his body. He says " no its in the sandbox laying down. it walked over there".

I wasnt sure how to respond. What would you have done at this point? What would you have done differently prior to this point?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Principal for a Day

SO recently in our district, we had certain city and state officials come in and shadow the principals in our schools for a "whole" school day. These people came into the schools with their suits and their breifcases and hung out in the principals office for most of the day. This was actually something that these people had to apply for. But I didnt actually see them DO anything.

I got the idea: Lets revise the program. Why not have teachers in the school apply to be the principal for a day. There are several potential benefits to this revised program:
1) Teachers may develop a better relationship with their principal
2) Teachers may better sympathize with the princiapl
3) Teachers may be able to offer suggestions to the principal to help him solve schoolwide problems.

What would you do if you were principal for a day, a week, or a school year?