Monday, December 3, 2007

Principal for a Day

SO recently in our district, we had certain city and state officials come in and shadow the principals in our schools for a "whole" school day. These people came into the schools with their suits and their breifcases and hung out in the principals office for most of the day. This was actually something that these people had to apply for. But I didnt actually see them DO anything.

I got the idea: Lets revise the program. Why not have teachers in the school apply to be the principal for a day. There are several potential benefits to this revised program:
1) Teachers may develop a better relationship with their principal
2) Teachers may better sympathize with the princiapl
3) Teachers may be able to offer suggestions to the principal to help him solve schoolwide problems.

What would you do if you were principal for a day, a week, or a school year?

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