Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer courses

Math is cool! I have already completed one math course and am in the process of completing a second one this summer. Perhaps if I had been taught math the way that I am learning to teach it then I would have done better with this subject in school. Who knows, perhaps I would have persued it further when I was in college.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow. I wish you could take this comment and send it to your 17 year-old high school self, who was horribly upset at having to plot the equation y=x^2

What would your old self have to say to your new self?

tgm said...

Ah yes the perspective of someone who has seen me through my various seasons of life. My old self would still want to know why it was relevant, why did I need to know that to teach 5 year olds? My old self used her time composing notes to be folded into secret triangles, memorizing formulas without actually developing a deeper mathematical understanding and thinking about which movie she would see on Friday night with The Boy. Math never had meaning to my old self, much like many other academic subjects in high school so it just felt like one more thing to memorize. My old self rolls her eyes and thinks my new self is to close to age 30 to be trusted.