Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Going the wrong the way

The countdown to the end of the school y ear is posted and it has been posted in the teachers room since we got back from April vacation. Do you remember when you were a kid and you counted down to summer vacation or something exciting like your birthday? Did the adults ever tell you that it would make it go by faster? Do you think having a countdown actually makes time feel like its going by faster or do you think it just answers the question that everyone is asking in their heads: "How much longer?" I think it answers the question but seems to make time drag on.

I don t remember being this tired at this time last year. I remember thinking that we still had plenty of time. Now I feel rushed, I feel really annoyed with some of my students, especially those few with the quirks. And I feel bad for feeling that way. I am here, trying my best. Greg says that is all that any one person can do. But sometimes I feel that my best is not enough and then i bring that home and worry about it and thens tart the new day feeling tired and stuck. Greg reminds me that I have kids who can read and are learning how to add. He reminds also of how much progress has been made in addressing disruptive and inappropriate behaviors. Yes. He is right, I suppose. I guess sometimes its hard to see the forest from the trees

The city sent us worms last week. Unfortunately they did not surive the weekend. It was disgusting. they turned blue and fuzzy. Must research creating a better worm habitat. Because I feel bad for the sudden death of the worms, I am considering catepillars. We did them last year and they were relatively clean, easy to care for, and ultimately a valuable learning experience for the kids.

Look for posts later this week about our field trip and family night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are looking good in June except the 21st. We have papa's surprise 80th bday party. What are you and greg in the mood to do?