Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving beautiful thanks

In preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday, I read the book Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks to the class. We had a class discussion about what it meant to be thankful and students cited some examples from the book. Always curious about and moved by how they think, I wanted to have time gather their responses. I have listed some of them below:

" I am thankful for rainy days"
"I am thankful for bike rides with my dad in the park"
"For hugs and kisses from Mommy"
"my friends. They play with me at school"
" Playing outside at recess. It is fun"

This was a challenging question for many of them, as it is a little abstract. I was impressed with their answers and surprised to see how many of them chose non-material things like hugs, friends, and bike rides with a parent. I am also impressed with their language skills. We have been working on adding detail to our drawings and sentences. Finally, many of them were able to sound out some of the words and use inventive spelling. At this age, when they are just learning letters and sounds, the willingness to try to sound out words and commit your attempts to paper is a huge risk. Go K1!

As the holiday approaches, I hope that each of them finds a few moments of joy and quality time with their families.

Happy Thanksgiving

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