Sunday, November 2, 2008

Field Trip pictures

Teaching the kids to notice and appreciate the beauty of nature on a brisk fall morning.  Everyone was bundled up because it was very cold, though most of the kids were dressed appropriately for the weather and did not complain about the cold.  Here are some the things we found.  I used the camera to document the trip, to take picture of the things that they saw.  The photos posted here serve as a record for them and inspiration for me.  Other pictures show the kids  really touching the bark of a tree, throwing leaves, comparing two different leaves, noticing a crack in the path we walked on and so much more.  We concluded the field trip by giving each student a clipboard to write about the favorite thing they found during the trip.  Students first tell what they are going write about, then draw their picture, and then retell it to a teacher who takes dictation.  This week my students were working on adding detail to their drawings and their statements about the drawings.  I did see a lot of progress just from last week to this week.  I really want them to develop the idea that they are writers.

With each passing week, I am more and more excited about the digital camera.  It is such a powerful tool to use in the classroom.  Last year I used it to document student work that could not be saved in a folder. Block towers and writing on white boards are two examples that come to mind.  This year, I am using the camera to document more and more student work that can't be put into their work folders in addition to photographing more activities in the classroom.   The city was gracious enough to purchase laptops for all of the teachers last year so I am experimenting now with video documentation and hopefully will attempt video modeling for individual students later in the year.  The students love to see themselves.  The students are excited to look at the class photo album or be part of a movie. 

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