Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The pasing time and other non-child specific things

It is the first full week of October. Classroom routines have been established. I consider myself to be incredibly fortunate this year. As a group, the kids seem to have good temperments. They are a happier group than I had the last few years. They come to school each day and most of them are eager to learn. Perhaps it is the time of year, with darkness coming earlier and earlier. Perhaps it is simply just the week before a long weekend, but I feel as if this week is moving particularly slowly. At the end of the day today I turned to the best para ever and said "Ugh, it is still Wednesday". Its not that I want time to fly away, but I don't want it to drag on either.

Also, new furniture has arrived in the teachers room at school. It is not something I would personally choose for my house, but it is a much needed improvement. It does look nice and many staff members have been excited about it. I cant help but wonder if we as a school have no money for basic supplies, then how was this furniture paid for? I guess not being an administrator means I don't have to worry, but if there was money somewhere for furniture, then is there other money for supplies? Were there trade offs that had to be made in order to get three new chairs and a table in the teacher's room? I personally would rather any extra money in the school budget be used to buy supplies (including tissues and hand sanitizer) for the classroom. I mean I spend my money on classroom supplies anyway, and all I really need in the teachers room is a clean table and a chair so I can eat my lunch.

I am very excited to note here that the school parking lot is finally finished. The parking space lines appeared this week. This is a cause for celebration. Parking is limited and the lines in the parking lot provide helpful guidance about where people should put their cars.

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