Friday, October 31, 2008

Farewell, Mrs. F

She was always there. Welcoming me when I first started. Listening without judging. Providing encouragement. Sometimes just nodding and smiling or sending a sympathetic look my way. Leading. lasting. caring. She started her retirement this afternoon and she will be deeply missed not only by her students but by the whole school community as well. She wants to come back to sub so I know its not good bye just farewell for now. I told her she could sub for me anytime.

Many of the more senior teachers in our building have said that it is refreshing to see so many newer teachers in the building recently. Some have said that retirement has approached quickly. Another teacher friend from another district told me that she spent more time in her life as a teacher than in any other role besides from a daughter. This particular woman was a teacher longer than she was a mother or a wife or anything else. That is pretty amazing and I guess its true for me too, though I am no ways near retirement age.

When I talk with other teachers who are at a similar point in their career as I am, retirement seems a whole life time away. An eternity. I cant even really imagine it. I have gone through some motions and with Mr.K1 teacher's help, set up a retirement savings account. But what does my retirement look like? Will I be in good health? Will I still be working alongside some of the teachers I work with now? On a more practical note, will the state run pension system still be operational?

By the way, retiring at this age is not called retiring. Its simply called quitting. Thank you Mrs. F for everything. Enjoy retirement and whats in store for you. Live it up

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